Our spiritual community is strong.

These souls have been divinely guided to be on our journey. They have helped us when we needed it most, connected us to more like-minded people and shown us so much love on our path. They can be the light for you too.

Brandee Lynn Jui

Brandee is a sound bath alchemist and owner of Zen Vida Alchemy. She offers sound baths, soul blessings, and light language.

Integrative Spiritual Wellbeing Guide Curating a sanctuary for your soul.

Kyle Hart

Bindu Breath leads trauma-informed breathwork and self-care. Unlike other breathwork facilitators, Kyle honors and respects where you’re at along your wellness journey and moves you through the breath at your own pace.

Mary Beth Perrone

​Mary Beth is a Chopra Certified Meditation Instructor, Ayurveda Health Coach and Sisterhood Circle Facilitator and co-founder of Radiate Wellness - to help women navigate the hormonal changes of midlife through mind, body, & spirit.

Jennifer Becker

“Fer” is a plant-based, holistic detox coach and nutrition counselor. She owns Aspire Integrative Health and helps women heal their gut to lose weight, level up their health and feel better in their body. She is also a yoga teacher, with a love for guiding people through breathwork, meditation and hoola hooping!

Zaira Druding

Zaira is the founder of Soul & Senses retreats, and she is a wellness community contributor organizing retreats and events for the collective by teaming and planning with all trainers and facilitators.

Zaira creates programs and services that are dedicated and curated to nourish your Soul & Senses and to live the ultimate Wellness Journey.

Shannon Vivar

Shannon is the founder of WellStylist Lab, Investing in Vitality, and the Chief Operating Officer of Mix Theory Studios, Inc., a music and multimedia production studio in Jacksonville Florida's downtown entertainment district. She is a born leader in the spiritual community, become a member of Wellystylist Lab today!

Elise Cantrell

Elise is an author, teacher, yoga instructor, healer, spiritual counselor, Shaman and Ayurvedic health coach. She authored 6 books on the healing journey and offers Ancestrial Healing sessions and group learnings.

Inspire, encourage, empower, enliven, enlighten with Elise!

Ben Holt

Ben Holt is the creator of Awakened Breath, a holistic wellness project focuses on providing full-spectrum Breathwork and Wellness Entrepreneurship trainings, events, retreats, and experiences.

Through Awakened Breath, Ben and his team educate and certify more than 100 Students per year through their flagship 12-Week training “The High Impact Healer Training.” This training incorporates a robust education on Breathwork and Wellness Entrepreneurship.

Ben’s mission is to empower, inspire, and support the highest expression of well-intentioned Trail Blazing healers who passionately support the birthing of a brave new world. Chat with Ben here!

Jen Liss

Coach | Breathworker | International Speaker

Whether coaching, speaking on stage, teaching a workshop, or podcasting, Jen’s goal is to show more and more people how to step into their highest potential in a way that is uniquely you – by harnessing the power of your own mind-body connection.

Dr. Amy King

In addition to being a Chiropractor, Amy has trained extensively in the highly specialized modalities of Bio-geometric Integration and other energetic healing techniques. In her practice, Amy offers Intuitive Chiropractic, Reiki, and Shamanic Healing sessions. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher offering Reiki Trainings and Mentorship.

Brooke Ann

Spiritual Medium Brooke Ann helps you connect to your loved ones in spirit. Her focus is to bring healing and a sense of peace, knowing that your loved ones are safe, at peace and they never leave your side.

Jen Kanipe

Jen is an Intuitive Tarot Card Reader, Mom of a mini schnauzer and Scottish Straight, Owner and content creator of Wisdom Drop, a Spiritual Lifestyle Clothing and Streetwear company for the Enlightened Soul.

Rae: The Energy Medium

Rae is a beautiful light, Clairvoyant, and healer. She offers tarot, astrology readings and holistic counseling for mystery illness.

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Heal Your Life With Us

The girls that healed themselves are here to heal you, too.


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