The Heal Your Life With Us Blog

The health and wellness blog with tips for your healing journey - no matter where you are.

Healing Journey: Where Do I Start?

The healing journey is unique to everyone. It’s a rollercoaster of a ride, and it’s absolutely magical - and terrifying. We really want you to know that you are not alone in not knowing when to start. As the Mad Hatter said in Alice in Wonderland, you must start at the BEGINNING. Wherever that it is for you.

Do you want to begin with the body? Perhaps a fresh start with a diet audit or detox?
How about tackling your mindset? Maybe, you’d like to begin a meditation practice or learn how to breathe through stress.

Wherever you are, there you are! That’s the starting point. You don’t have to worry about where to go, just start. And when you do, the journey will unfold specifically for you. And whenever you need help, you have it! You have full support from us as we are on the same journey as you!

The Heal Your Life With Us podcast was created for people ANYWHERE on the healing journey. It’s a journey, not a destination, so there really is no “pot at the end of the healing rainbow”. It’s more about learning and understanding who you are. That’s a lot to figure out, don’t get overwhelmed.

Our honest opinion is to take a deep breath and figure out where you are currently. What would be the easiest first step for you, where you are? And, all you have to do, is take ONE step.

Need some motivation? Check out the very first episode of the Heal Your Life With Us podcast Ep 1: How a chance meeting led to a friendship that healed both of us (and gluten-free baked ziti). This episode will help you to feel less alone. If we can do it, you can too!  


Caylin & Chrissy

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Heal Your Life With Us

The girls that healed themselves are here to heal you, too.


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